Plants That Are Toxic to Dogs
Plants can improve air quality in your home, as well as add color and style. If you have indoor dogs, you want to be aware of which plants can cause harm. The list of plants that are toxic to dogs and cats is extensive. We’ve gathered information about some of the most common houseplants that could seriously harm your furry friend.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera’s tropical appearance and healing properties make it an ideal houseplant – unless you have dogs. Chewing on the plant’s leaves can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. However, that isn’t the only concern. While its topical medicinal properties are great for humans, never put aloe on your canine’s skin as it can cause irritation. Keep this desert beauty away from Fido!
Sego Palm
Sago palm ingestion can be life threatening. They are found outdoors in tropical and subtropical regions, but are also sold as indoor ornamental plants. The toxin causes liver toxicity, vomiting, diarrhea and can also cause neurologic signs (tremors, seizures, weakness) and death.
Devil’s Ivy
Also known as Satin or Silk Pothos, Devil’s ivy can irritate your dog’s mouth or tongue, if they chew on any part of the plant. Ingestion can cause vomiting, increased salivation, and difficulties swallowing.
These beautiful and easy-to-grow houseplants contain high levels of calcium oxalate crystals, which, if ingested can cause burns to the mouth, excessive drooling, and vomiting. For a pet-safe tropical vibe, try a date or parlor palm, instead.
Not all varieties of this common plant are toxic to dogs, but those that are can cause mild to severe gastrointestinal issues. Avoid the peace lily, calla lily, amaryllis, lily of the valley, autumn crocus, giant Dracaena, and palm lily in your home. We felt it important to note that cats are very sensitive to very minor ingestions of lilies (apparently even their pollen or water from a vase with lily flowers) which can cause kidney injury and failure. If you have a cat, keep all varieties of lilies out of your home. Side note - you never want to send a bouquet with lilies to a cat owner!
Corn Plant
The corn plant, if ingested by your pooch, can cause vomiting (sometimes with blood), loss of appetite, increased salivation, and even depression.
Bird of Paradise
Sadly, the bird of paradise is not safe to be in reach of your dog. Though it’s an attractive, tropical addition to any room, its leaves and berries can cause nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness if ingested.
The beautiful and popular houseplant, chrysanthemums are also not dog-safe. If ingested, dogs can experience excess salivation, coughing, vomiting, loss of appetite, shaking and agitation. Dogs are in danger of all mum varieties, so our advice is to keep them completely away from areas where pets have access. Remember this fall, when the autumn shades of mums appear at your local nursery!
The toxic properties of the hyacinth are actually in the bulb, not the leaf. However, digging dogs can gain easy access to this part of your plant if it’s within reach. Keep it completely out of sight and access inside and outside your home.
Jade Plant
Jade plant, commonly called a rubber plant, is highly toxic to dogs when ingested, causing gastric distress, agitation, depression, and other rare, but serious symptoms. If you can’t live without your jade, keep it completely out of reach of your furry friends.
Asparagus Fern
Ingesting this exotic fern can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea in your dog. Make sure to plant or display this vibrant green completely away from areas of your home where your dogs have access. You can also choose a pet-safe alternative variety of fern.
Pets can be unpredictable. When they’re free to roam our homes, mischief is always an option. When adding greenery to your living space, inside and out, take care to plant and display foliage that isn’t dangerous to your pet. Keep in mind, pet-safe doesn’t mean dogs should freely eat! Even dog-safe plants, if ingested, can cause stomach and digestive issues.
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