VetDogs Dog Treats
America's VetDogs has partnered with Bil-Jac, a nationally known manufacturer of premium dog food and dog treats, to develop the America's VetDogs brand of dog treats. America's VetDogs Dog Treats are processed using Bil-Jac's proprietary nutrient protection technology. Jim Kelly, one of the founder’s sons, says, "We start with more real fresh chicken, which makes these treats more palatable and very healthy. They contain no fillers or gluten meals, and have naturally sourced linoleic acid to help support a healthy skin and coat." To learn more, or to buy some treats, CLICK HERE.
Ebay for Charity
Shop or sell and support America's VetDogs on eBay.
Add us as your Favorite charity on eBay to see us as your preferred charity in eBay checkout. You will also be able to easily donate 10-100% of your proceeds to us when you sell on eBay AND get some of your seller fees waived and receive the tax credits. The eBay for Charity platform makes it all happen!
Visit our charity page today and be part of a growing eBay community that has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to thousands of charities.
Amazon Wishlist
Our future service dog puppies are just starting their journey, and you can help them grow strong, healthy, and ready to serve veterans and first responders. By donating from our Amazon Wishlist, you’re giving these pups the supplies they need to thrive. Click here to make a difference today!